My Dream Wolf art

Abstract art

A B S T R A C T      D E S I G N

This is 3D Art done by CDW and named it as " Hypno Balls ".This is done by using a sphere which is modded using  magnet tool making it like a papaya shape.And with the types of selection tool we gave it illuminating and reflecting material.The main sphere or ball in the middle of the image is glowed.To get special and real effects you need to turn on ambient occulusion and global illumination.But if you are using illumination in your project i recommend you to turn off
the lights in your project ( if C4D).
The colors we used in this design give it a special kind of attracting effects.Lighting is a important factor for this purpose.

3d  Abstract Wallpaper by CDW.

3d  Abstract Design.
3d Wallpapers.
Fractal ART.

More High Quality Art Coming Soon!
Request in comments for more !
